sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011


Tema pentru acasa - studiu individual:


José Ramón spunea...

I like good composition virado.Un Greeting from Creativity and imagination photos of José Ramón

Rudolph Aspirant spunea...

Hola, Ramon (eller foretrekker du Jose ?), if you come back here, can you please tell us what specificaly you liked in this picture ? Did it remind you of anything you knew from before ? (Er bare nysgerrig...ingen skjult mening i mine ord, dette var bare et vanlig spørsmål.)

I really hope you'll be back, I am sure you have many interesting stories to tell us, I'll also try to visit your blog if I have the time to, later on.

Så, kanskje, håper jeg, vi sees. Uansett, ha det bra.